Wednesday 16 December 2015

Focus Group Analysis

From holding my focus group I was able to get more accurate interpretation of what my target audience likes about my ideas and what they think should be included in the magazine.

The questions I asked in my focus group were:

Do you think that the name Phoenix is appropriate name for an Indie Rock music magazine? Why?

How much do you think an Indie Rock Music magazine should cost?

Do you think that the magazine should include a free single/cd?

Do you think that having a band index on the contents page will help with the sale of the magazine?

Do you think that the magazine should include competitions to win tickets to concerts and gigs?

Which model do you think suits the Indie Rock Star image more?  Leah OR Josie?

The focus group agreed that Phoenix was an appropriate name for an Indie Rock and then they gave reasons for why the thought that it was appropriate. One of these reasons was that fact that I could easily create a logo for the magazine.

The focus group told me that they believed that £3.50 was an appropriate price for a music magazine because of my target audience is teenagers and young adults, who are unlikely to have a lot of money; therefore £3.50 is a good price for them. The focus group also believes that £3.50 is an appropriate price for the content that will be provided.  Therefore I am going make my music magazine cost £3.50 because these are all valid points for why the cost of the magazine should be £3.50.

The focus group told me that they think that my magazine should not include a free single/cd because it might not appeal to everyone because they might not like the artist or bands whose single/cd it is. Also including a single/cd would mean that the price of the magazine would have to be increase which might make my target audience to buy the magazine because it might be too expensive for them. Therefore I am not going to include a free single/cd in my magazine because of these reasons.

The focus group helped me to realise that not everyone knows that a band index is, however once it is explained to them they believe that it is helpful, because it provides additional information. I personally don’t believe that the band index will help with the sale of the magazine therefore I will do additional research to find out if my target audience would like to see a band index on the contents page.

The focus group told me that they thought that the magazine should include competitions to win tickets to concerts and gigs. They thought this because they thought that it would make more people want to buy the magazine because of the chance to win something. Therefore I am going to include competitions to win tickets to concerts and gigs in my magazine because it will either make a good cover line on the magazine front cover or an advert on the contents page.

The majority of the focus group told me that they thought that Josie would suit the Indie Rock star image more than Leah would because they thought that she looked more ‘edgy’. However because I need to include different people on my contents page, I will still take photographs of Leah and will use clothing and makeup to make her appear more ‘edgy’.

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