Thursday 4 February 2016

Magazine Contents Page Plan

Below is my hand drawn magazine contents page plan. I sketched out the different sections that I would like to have included on the contents pages, this was to help split the page up clearly so that my target audience could easily navigate around the page. I plan to include at least 2 different images on my contents page so that they is more of an equal ratio of picture:text. In the bottom right hand corner I want to include a small advertisement of the social media sites that the magazine uses; using the sites logo/icon to add more images to the image and colour to the page. Whilst not drawn to scale on my plan, I want the masthead of “Contents” page to take up just over half of the top of the contents page. This is to make it obvious what this page is within the magazine and to highlight its importance. Underneath this I plan to use a pug to again write the issue number and the website of the music magazine. I also plan to use headings/sections to divide up the articles within my magazine. This will help in creating a contents page which is easy to navigate around.

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