Wednesday 13 April 2016

Social Media Responce: Final Products

I wanted to gain some feedback on what people thought about my final music magazine, therefore I decided to use social media to ask people. I created a question that I will send out, to both people within and out of my target audience in order to find out a variety of honest opinions about my music magazine.

Thursday 7 April 2016

Thursday 17 March 2016

Social Media Responses: First Draft

I decided to ask people within my target audience what they thought of the design of my magazine so far. I used Google hangouts and instant messaging to send the first draft of my magazine to people within my target audience so that I could find out their opinions on my first draft. Before I sent the first draft of my magazine I asked them to respond with what they like about my first draft and what they think could be improved. These are the responses that I received:

Overall there is positive feedback for the first draft of my magazine. However most of the improvements are about the text on the magazine front cover being difficult to read because it blends in with the main image. Therefore I am going to adjust parts of my magazine front cover to improve upon this feedback. For my double page spread I am going to adjust the brightness or the opacity of the background image so that the article is easier to read. I received no suggested improvements from my target audience for contents page, and I am happy with how it has turned out. Therefore I am going to leave it how it is. 

Monday 7 March 2016

Magazine Draft

This is the first draft of my magazine front cover, contents page and double page spread. I plan to show my first drafts to people within my target audience as well as my teacher so that I can gain feedback on what people think I can do to make my music magazine the best that it can possibly be. 

Sunday 6 March 2016

Contents Page Creation

This post will show print screens and have an explanation to show and explain the process I went through to create my magazine contents page. 

I add the black rectangle onto the blank file and then used the transform tool to make it the width of the page. I then pasted the masthead of my magazine onto the the black square; to make it white I used the blending options and changed the colour overlay to white. I used to get the same font I used for my masthead to write the word contents. I then copy and pasted this onto a new layer; I once again added a colour overlay but this time it was a red overlay. 

I then added the website address, issue number and the date underneath the contents page masthead. I did this in a relatively small font so that it didn't distract from the masthead. The issue number and date I placed underneath the magazine masthead in the same red font and the contents. And then the website address I placed underneath the contents in white font. 

I added a red rectangle onto a new layer and then used the transform tool to adjust the size of it so that it filled up the rest of the left hand side of the contents page. On top of this rectangle I added two text boxes. The first one for "Band Index" which I type in white font and centred the text. The second one for the list of all of the bands that made a feature in the magazine and the pages number where you could find them. 

I then opened the main image for my contents page and then copied it onto a new layer. I then used the transform tool to adjust the size of the image so that I could fit another column of text down the right hand side of the magazine. 

Wednesday 2 March 2016

Front Cover Creation

This post will show print screens and have an explanation to show and explain the process I went through to create my magazine front cover.

I firstly opened my choosen main image for my magazine front cover. I then changed the exposure of it to make it brighter and increased the contrast to make the colours more bold and vivid. 

I then pasted my masthead onto a new layer. I then used the transom setting to change the size of the masthead so that it covered the top of the photograph. I then went on blending options to experiment with the setting to make the masthead bolder. 

I then went onto google and searched for the logo's of the bands that I wanted to create cover-lines for. I saved these images and then pasted them onto new layers. I then sued the transform tool to adjust the size of them. I then moved them around the page to cover the space around the model. 

I then added the website of the magazine beneath the masthead, in small black font so that it didn't draw any attention away from the masthead or the main image. I then began to add descriptions of the articles about the bands that I put the logo's of on the front cover. I decided to write these in red front so that they stood out against the rest of the black and white font. 

Tuesday 1 March 2016

Double Page Spread Creation

This post will show print screens and have an explanation to show and explain the process I went through to create my magazine double page spread.

I opened my chosen main image for my double page spread and decided to change the exposure so that the photograph was slightly darker and less overexposed on the models face. I then experimented with the levels to make the photograph even darker and to enhance the contrast. 

I then pasted the first half of my article onto the double page spread and readjusted the size so that it was long and not wide.I changed the font colours so that they were more readable against the background of my double page spread. I changed the question to white and the response to red; this was to make sure that it still followed my colour scheme. 

I then pasted the half of the article onto the double page spread. And changed the font colours. I then alined the sections so that they were in line and fitted onto one half of the page.

Monday 29 February 2016

Chosen Main Images

Front Cover Main Image:

Contents Page Main Image:

Double Page Spread Main Image: 

Saturday 27 February 2016

Social Media Responses: Front Cover Photoshoot

I decided to share my favourite photographs from the brick lane photoshoot with people on social media. These photographs were:

I decided to find out which of these photographs was most popular amongst my target audience. I used Google hangouts and instant messaging to send the photographs to people within my target audience. Before I sent the images, I asked them to respond with which photograph was their favourite and was most appropriate for a magazine front cover image. These were the responses that I received:

These responses show that different photographs were popular amongst my target audience. However  A, C and E seem to be the most popular; these photographs also happen to be my favourite out of the 5. Therefore I am going to use on of these images on my magazine front cover. I will decide which image will be the magazine front cover, by playing around on photoshop and seeing what one has the best space around it for the masthead, cover-lines, etc. 

Thursday 25 February 2016

Front Cover Photoshoot

This photoshoot took place in a studio location, using a white background. There were two outfit changes during this photoshoot which involved changing the top half of Josie's outfit. Below are some of my favourite photographs from the photoshoot.