Thursday 17 March 2016

Social Media Responses: First Draft

I decided to ask people within my target audience what they thought of the design of my magazine so far. I used Google hangouts and instant messaging to send the first draft of my magazine to people within my target audience so that I could find out their opinions on my first draft. Before I sent the first draft of my magazine I asked them to respond with what they like about my first draft and what they think could be improved. These are the responses that I received:

Overall there is positive feedback for the first draft of my magazine. However most of the improvements are about the text on the magazine front cover being difficult to read because it blends in with the main image. Therefore I am going to adjust parts of my magazine front cover to improve upon this feedback. For my double page spread I am going to adjust the brightness or the opacity of the background image so that the article is easier to read. I received no suggested improvements from my target audience for contents page, and I am happy with how it has turned out. Therefore I am going to leave it how it is. 

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