Wednesday 2 March 2016

Front Cover Creation

This post will show print screens and have an explanation to show and explain the process I went through to create my magazine front cover.

I firstly opened my choosen main image for my magazine front cover. I then changed the exposure of it to make it brighter and increased the contrast to make the colours more bold and vivid. 

I then pasted my masthead onto a new layer. I then used the transom setting to change the size of the masthead so that it covered the top of the photograph. I then went on blending options to experiment with the setting to make the masthead bolder. 

I then went onto google and searched for the logo's of the bands that I wanted to create cover-lines for. I saved these images and then pasted them onto new layers. I then sued the transform tool to adjust the size of them. I then moved them around the page to cover the space around the model. 

I then added the website of the magazine beneath the masthead, in small black font so that it didn't draw any attention away from the masthead or the main image. I then began to add descriptions of the articles about the bands that I put the logo's of on the front cover. I decided to write these in red front so that they stood out against the rest of the black and white font. 

I then decided to add an "and" in between some of my articles to make it appear to the audience that they are getting more for their money. I wrote this in red bold font to make it stand out on the front cover, I also underlined this with a thick black line to make it even more eye-catching. Below this I then decide to write about the main article in my magazine; the one on Astrid. I used the same front that I used for the cover-line descriptions and for the "and" so show fluency. I also used the word "exclusive" to make it more appealing to my target audience. 

I then copy and pasted a picture of a barcode onto a new layer. I then used the transform tool to change the size of the barcode and to rotate it so that it would easily fit in the bottom right hand corner of my front cover. 

I then added a black rectangle along the bottom of the magazine front cover; this was to create a strap line. On top of this I added a list of other bands that made an appearance in the magazine- this was to help appeal to a wider audience. For the description of my main article I decided to use a pull quote to make the audience want to find out more. I once again did this in red font to make it stand out. 

I decided that there was to much space on my magazine front cover, so I added another cover-line. I got the logo for reading and leeds festival from google and saved it into my pictures. I then pasted it onto a new layer and used the transform tool to make it a appropriate size for the space. Below this I added a line of text saying "line up reviewed", I did this in black font because the logo was already in red and was the most important part of the cover-line. 

I felt like there was to much space still at the top of my magazine because my main image was taken from a distance. Therefore I decided to zoom in on the main image to make it bigger; I did this using the free transform tool.  I decided to add a "plus" just above my strap line to have a similar effect as the "and". I used the same font and once against underlined it to draw more attention to it. I also added the issue number and date underneath the masthead, it the same font style, size and colour as the magazine website. 

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